Bach Flower Remedies is a safe and natural method of healing discovered by English doctor, bacteriologist and homeopath Dr. Edward Bach sometime in the 1920s and 30s. This alternative medicine system gently restores the balance between mind and body by casting out negative emotions such as fear, worry, anger, hatred, self doubt and indecision, sadness, impatience and guilt, which interfere with our equilibrium. It allows us to combine up to seven essences to match our situation, personality and how we feel. Their special healing qualities have no side effects, and after the intake of just a few drops of these remedies you feel that conflict has given way to inner harmony.
In Dr. Bach’s words:“Take no notice of the disease, think only of the outlook on life of the one in distress in this present moment in time.”
The remedies help deal with emotional problems such as anxiety, stress, fatigue, insomnia, shyness and low self-esteem and bring back peace and happiness, so that the body is free to heal itself.
Made from wild flowers and preserved in brandy, they are safe for the whole family including elders, pregnant women and pets. They are prepared on the basis of personality type and mood of patients. Each of the 38 remedies can be a used to treat specific moods that a person at that time has become overwhelmed by.
The emergency remedy called the ‘5 Flower remedy’ or the ‘Rescue Remedy’ is the most famous of the remedies, which is a mix of five different remedies which together help you deal with any emergency or stressful event.
Bach Flower Therapy has reportedly been used by various celebrities like Princess Diana, Jennifer Aniston, Cate Blanchett, Salma Hayek, Martha Stewart and Hugh Grant, who use the remedies to ease stress, deal with stage fright and long flights, and to promote overall good health..
Dr. Edward Bach
Edward Bach (1886 – 1936) was an English doctor, bacteriologist, homeopath, and spiritual writer, who developed Bach Flower Remedies, a form of alternative medicine.Born in Worcestershire, UK, he studied medicine at the University College Hospital, London, and obtained a Diploma of Public Health (DPH) at Cambridge
Bach Flower Remedies list, and their uses
- Aspen — for fear and anxiety of an unknown origin
- Agrimony — for inner suffering and anguish hidden by a smiling or brave face
- Beech — for a critical attitude and for intolerance of shortcomings in others. The remedy helps us to become tolerant and understanding.
- Centaury — for those who do not know how to say „No“
- Cerato — for those who are not confident in their assessment or decision
- Cherry Plum — for loss of self-control and for fear they could hurt themselves or others.
- Chestnut Bud — unable to learn from past experiences and mistakes . The remedy helps you to understand and remember where you have been repeatedly going wrong.
- Chicory — for those who like to be appreciated by the family for their efforts and
may feel hurt if they don’t. The remedy may help them to be less possessive, controlling and manipulative. - Clematis — for day dreamers who are disinterested in the present. The remedy revives their interest in the present.
- Crab Apple — for those who fear infection and are dissatisfied with their appearance. They may be obsessed with order and cleanliness. It’s a cleansing remedy.
- Elm — for an acute crisis of confidence; when overwhelmed by additional duties or responsibility.
- Gentian — for discouragement and despondency after failure.
- Gorse — for hopelessness and pessimism
- Heather — for people obsessed with themselves, chatterboxes, self-centered.
- Holly — for anger and spite caused by hatred, jealousy and suspicion.
- Honeysuckle — for those who live in the past,nostalgia, homesickness.
- Hornbeam — lack of energy before work or activity
- Impatiens — for impatience and irritation.
- Larch — for lack of self confidence and inferiority complex
- Mimulus — for everyday, common fears and anxieties, when a person knows what they are afraid of; also for shyness and timidity.
- Mustard — for sudden depression and dark moods, with no apparent reason.
- Oak — for those who are plodders- optimistic, strong and struggling to overcome the limits of their strength.
- Olive — for physical & mental exhaustion after exertion or after a long day.
- Pine — for self blame & guilt.
- Red Chestnut — for anxiety, fear and worry for the safety and wellbeing of a loved one.
- Rock Rose — for terror and extreme fear. May help in panic attacks.
- Rock Water — for excessive self-control and self discipline.
- Scleranthus — for the inability to choose between 2 options. Fo indecision.
- Star of Bethlehem — for shock, grief or trauma.
- Sweet Chestnut — for “a broken heart“,anguish, despair, when there is no way out.
- Vervain — for over enthusiasm.
- Vine — for dominant people who tend to rule others with an „iron fist“
- Walnut —to help adapt to change and to protect oneself from outside influences.
- Water Violet — for withdrawn, on interfering, self-sufficient people who may seem proud.
- White Chestnut — for unwanted repetitive thoughts
- Wild Oat —to help decide when one is clueless about his/her career options.
- Wild Rose — for apathy and resignation
- Willow — for bitterness, blaming others, resentment, envy and self-pity
- 5 Flower Remedy/ Rescue Remedy — Emergency Formula for acute stress
Bach Flower Remedies at Olive Tree
Olive Tree, is an endeavour to promote wellbeing, through healing with Bach Flower Remedies. As practitioners of alternative medicine our aim is to enhance wellness by using this natural and safe system of healing to restore the mind and body harmony. We sell HealingHerbs flower essences and Ainsworths Bach remedies and also books, DVDs and posters about Bach Flower Therapy.
“Bach Flower Essences really work and I recommend them to everyone I know, they are nature’s gift to mankind. Since taking the remedies I have felt a lot calmer and more optimistic about life in general“
– Garima Jain, New Delhi
“My dog Zoey had Parvo virus . I got him treated but he wasn’t growing and his head had started shaking. Alka made a mix of 5 flower remedy, hornbeam, crab apple (for the virus ) and scleranthus. 3 weeks later his head stopped shaking and he was much better . We continued with the mix for another month.”
– Meghna
According to Here magazine, to help Diana cope with the 23-hour flight from Sydney to London, Sydney based herbalist Eilleen Whittaker, who had been treating her with Bach Flower Remedies for a year, recommended huge doses of vitamin C to treat jet-lag. She also sent two other remedies. One contained rock rose, to combat terror, Star of Bethlehem, for shock, and cherry plum, to help prevent loss of control. The other included camomile, which has a calming effect, and dandelion, used for cleansing the blood.
As Diana stepped from the plane she was reported to have said to her herbalist, “I feel great, fantastic.”
– Princess Diana was a user of Bach Flower Remedies